Tagged with inform

TheUrbanRealist has LAUNCHED!

  I’m so happy to announce that TheUrbanRealist.com is officially live! I launched the site yesterday! I would love for you all to check it out! TheUrbanRealist will be my new home now, so please follow me there! I think you will all be impressed with some of the articles my writers and I have … Continue reading

New Beginnings- TheUrbanRealist.com

New Beginnings- TheUrbanRealist.com

I can’t believe how long it has been since my last post! I’ve missed writing on here so much! I hope you are all doing well and that your holidays were awesome! I’m writing to tell you guys that I’m so thankful for all of the support you’ve shown to me and my blog, BornAtTwentyFive! … Continue reading

Do This and You’ll Live Longer.

Do This and You’ll Live Longer.

I know the title of this post has some of you wondering whether I’m going to try and push some new wonder drug on you. Or maybe tell you what foods to eat or what exercises to do to add years onto your life. Well lucky for you what I’m about to tell you is … Continue reading

Livin’ La Vida Lokal: Roho Cuban Coffee

Livin’ La Vida Lokal: Roho Cuban Coffee

It’s no secret I’m all about Exploring your own backyard . I’m a firm believer in seeing whatever the city I’m living in has to offer. Thankfully I’ve recently moved to a city that’s known for its beautiful weather, over-the-top nightlife, and stunning beaches: Miami! Because of my recent move, I’ve decided to start a … Continue reading

Controlled Chaos: The Beginner’s Guide

Controlled Chaos: The Beginner’s Guide

Someone once described my life as being “ridiculously chaotic”. At the time I didn’t pay it much attention, but last night when I was recalling the conversation, it suddenly struck a chord with me. I mean, I guess I always knew the “get a degree, marry young and have kids thing” was never for me, … Continue reading

Cheers To Change.

Cheers To Change.

Well it’s that time of year again. Summer is upon us and I could not be more excited! After contemplating on where to move, I’ve decided on Miami! I’ve lived in Fort Lauderdale before, but I’ve never lived in Miami. I’m thrilled to be moving to a major city that’s on a beautiful beach! Between … Continue reading

10 Tips to Being Happier

10 Tips to Being Happier

“Happiness depends upon ourselves”- Aristotle I’ve decided to make it a daily effort to be happy. I want to truly be content with my life. Now I know you’re thinking “Were you waking up every morning with the goal of being miserable?”. No. But how many of us actually wake up with the intention of … Continue reading